
Keeping Kids Safe in the Summer

Sponsored by PEDIATRICS @West Boca Medical Center

May 25, 2016
Kids start looking forward to summer well before the last school bell rings. From pool parties to long days at the beach, and backyard barbeques to long bike rides, children can hardly wait to have fun in the sun. But before parents let their children escape the confines of classroom and home, they can take steps to keep kids safe so they can avoid having to go back inside – to the hospital emergency room (ER).

Be safe in the water.
Drowning is the leading cause of injury death among children ages 1 to 4. That is why it is always important to have an adult watching, whether kids are swimming in a pool, lake or beach. A fence and self-locking gate should be installed around backyard pools to keep kids out when it’s not in use.

Always wear a helmet.
Approximately 300,000 children go to the ER for bike-related injuries. Children must always wear a properly-fitted helmet, and the straps should always be fastened.

Go for a safe ride.
The leading cause of death among children between the ages of 5 and 19 is motor vehicle-related accidents. Injury or death of a child may be prevented with a properly fitted car seat. Never leave a child unattended in a vehicle.

Watch where children play.
More than 200,000 children in the U.S. aged 14 and younger visit the ER for playground-related injuries. Be sure to watch children closely as they play.

Keep children away from heat.
To avoid burns to a child’s chest, legs and face, adults should not let children play with fireworks and keep them away from the grill, campfires and fire pits.

Here are other ways parents can keep their kids safe during the summer:
  • Apply sunscreen about 30 minutes before children go outside and then every two hours.
  • Allow only one child on a trampoline at a time, and make sure the trampoline has safety walls and coverings over the springs.
  • Keep children hydrated in hot weather.
For more information about summer safety for children, talk with your doctor or call 866-904-9262 for a free referral to a pediatrician near you.

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